Monday, August 2, 2010

I Want To Be A Ghost Hunter When I Grow Up

So... I've spent the entire day watching ghost hunting shows like Destination Truth, Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters, and Ghost Hunters International. I literally fell asleep watching them, woke up, and started watching them again. After discussing it with my boyfriend, I've officially decided I'm going to make my own show.

If anyone would like to get me a late birthday present, just know that this wonderful kit is on my wishlist.

Welp... time to get back to my shows!


1 comment:

  1. Hey all I have a paranormal ghost hunting group i started in march. I am looking to get some more team members. There is just so much to do. Alot of it can be done remotely, processing EVP’s and going over video, location research ect. I plan to be able to do live web cast investigations. If your locale i would like you to join us on an investigation. I have an investigation at a private residence tomorrow Saturday night. The web page is From there you can find the forum (MODS needed), and the face book page, the twitter and the open chat. Please sign my guest book.
