Monday, July 26, 2010


Yep. That was the first thing in my head as I clicked to update.

My boyfriend and I were sitting side by side on our laptops, comparing just how gay our gay friends are via each other's Facebooks. It's quite an endearing thing, really. But that only lasted so long before we were looking up old 90's commercials like this one:

Or this one:

There's something nostalgic about going back and watching old stuff you didn't realize you had seen before. It is only when you start to sing along, or somehow, you remember what part comes next that you remember, "Holy shit... I've seen this before!" then comes the inevitable, "I remember this!!!"

Then, of course, one video leads to another, which leads to another, and before you know it, your boyfriend is looking up another NES video game review and you are left to ponder the interesting questions of life all by your lonesome... But all is still right in the world. In fact, it's kind of cute how knowledgeable he is on all of that stuff. Everyone has their collections and hobbies.

In fact, we had this conversation the other day. We were discussing hobbies, and what it meant to collect something. I tried to tell him that maybe I was a collector of clothes (I have a lot of them), but he said that a collection has to have a definitive beginning and end. I'm still not sure if I'd agree with that, because I thought about it, and what about when people collect coins? Or buttons? There are hundreds and hundreds of them, and no one could have every coin or button ever made, but they still have a "collection". Right? Or am I thinking too deep on it?

Regardless, it got me to thinking... and I can't think of anything that I collect. I tried to claim that I collect clothes, dinosaur facts, camera smarts, and general knowledge, but that's obviously not quite what it means, I guess.

Owls count, though. Right? So I guess I collect owl anythings, and I'd like to collect robot anythings. I have a generally fair size collection of knives. But I'm not satisfied with any of that yet. I don't know. I'll get back to you on that one...


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